

SMOKE IN HIS EYES - The life and the songs of Cseh Tamás

SMOKE IN HIS EYES - The life and the songs of Cseh Tamás

Nincs aktuális előadás

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Last event date: Sunday, January 26 2025 7:00PM

Beck Zoli
Bereményi Géza
Szabó Balázs
Ratkóczi Huba
Vecsei H. Miklós

Cseh Tamás' music influenced generations of students growing up in the post-Communist era. In addition to being a musician, Cseh was an author and a movie star. Among his mis many awards was the 1993 Liszt prize, and the 2001 Kossuth prize.
Cseh Tamás was born in Budapest on January 22, 1943; however, he lived in Tordás until he was 13. He studied to be a teacher and started teaching geography in 1967. at an elementary school in Budapest. In addition to teaching, from 1970 on, he started writing and performing with Géza Bereményi. Between 1972 and 1977 he performed with a number of theater companies.
In 1961, during the Soviet era, Cseh and his friends started the Native American camp which still exists in Bakony as their symbol of leaving the system. Native American culture played an extremely important role in his life, his Indian name was „Smoke in His Eyes.” He wrote his first novel, "Hadiösvény," in 1968, dealing with Native American themes, but had to wait 30 years for its publication. In 2006, Cseh published his second book on the same themes, "Csillagokkal Táncoló Kojot"

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