

Háromszék Táncszínház: Ecce Homo / LISZT ÜNNEP 2024

Háromszék Táncszínház: Ecce Homo / LISZT ÜNNEP 2024

Dance drama based on Mihály Munkácsy’s works

Current events

Music: Levente Fazakas

Dramaturgy: Ionela-Alexandra Tapasztó

Production design, projection: Előd Izsák

Set: Zsuzsi Szőke

Costumes: Cristina Breteanu

Props: Ádám Zayzon

Art history consultant: Gabriella Gyarmati

Director of dance, assistant to the choreographer: Ágnes Farkas

Choreographer: Tamás Farkas

Director: Tamás Farkas, Ernő Tapasztó


Premiered in January 2024, this dance drama follows the idea of ‘Behold the man.’ The production paraphrases Mihály Munkácsy’s paintings in an original manner, being based on not only the famous trilogy (Christ before Pilate, Ecce Homo and Golgota), but also on such emblematic works as the Yawning Apprentice, Woman Carrying Faggot, Churning Woman and the Portrait of Ferenc Liszt. Ecce Homo both reflects on characteristic pieces of the brilliant painter’s career and on some concerns of our time. Munkácsy’s powerful, dramatic imagery comes to life in a constantly moving, ever-changing projection.

Founded in 1990 in Sfântu Gheorghe, the objective of the Háromszék Dance Theatre is to collect, preserve and transmit the folk music and dance of ethnic groups in Transylvania, by creating a new, individual formal vocabulary and placing it in a new context through the language of theatre. Over the years, the company has established a unique style by combining traditional folklore shows with the forms of contemporary dance theatre, transforming folk music and dance into a language that can speak to people today.

The photographic reproductions used in the show are the property of the Museum of Fine Arts – Hungarian National Gallery, the Déri Museum in Debrecen and the private collector Imre Pákh, and are protected by copyright.

The performance is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

The official sponsor of Háromszék Dance Theatre is the Covasna County Council.

Supporters: Bethlen Gábor Fund, Hungarian National Cultural Fund


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