

SOSZTAKOVICS EST - Sosztakovics / Schumann / Gustav Rivinius / Thomas Sanderling - SZ/2

SOSZTAKOVICS EST - Sosztakovics / Schumann / Gustav Rivinius / Thomas Sanderling - SZ/2

Dmitrij Sosztakovics (1906-1975) a huszadik századi orosz zene egyik legjelentősebb alkotója, akinek élete és művei is tele vannak ellentmondásokkal. Hangversenyünk minden műsorszáma különleges jelentőségű, mert magyarországi bemutató. Szólistaként a világhírű Gustav Riviniust csellóművészt köszönthetjük, aki Saarbrückeni Zeneakadémia és a Maastrichti Konzervatórium professzora.

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Thursday, January 16 2025 7:30PM


Shostakovich: Columbus overture - Hungarian premiere
Schumann: Cello concerto, Op. 129 – re-orchestrated by Shostakovich – Hungarian premiere
Shostakovich: Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk– Hungarian premiere
Shostakovich: Waltz suite (arranged by Thomas Sanderling) Hungarian premiere


Gustav Rivinius - cello


Thomas Sanderling
Dmitry Shostakovich (1906-1975) is one of the most prominent composers of twentieth-century Russian music, his life and works are full of controversy. He lived and worked at a time when in his country, communist ideology considered art to be a weapon of power, and therefore did not respect creative freedom, but dictated what kind of art the people need. Shostakovich was born in St Petersburg and completed his studies at the Leningrad Conservatory. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he did not leave the Soviet Union, where he enjoyed both spectacular success and harsh criticism. He was forced to withdraw several of his works, but at the same time, he was repeatedly awarded the highest state prizes. He was a dear friend of conductor Thomas Sanderling, but also had a close professional relationship with him, conducting the premieres of several of his major works. Each piece in our concert has a special significance because all are premieres in Hungary. We welcome to the podium world-famous Gustav Rivinius as solo cellist, who is also a professor at the Hochschule für Musik Saar and the Conservatorium Maastricht.

Our offer

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