Változó vadon – Az én Északom (Törőcsik Mari)
Változó vadon – Az én Északom
Swedish nature film, 60 min, 2024
in Hungarian
Változó vadon – Az én Északom
Swedish nature film, 60 min, 2024
in Hungarian
Director: Zoltán Török
Cast: Zoltán Török and his family
Zoltán Török, renowned filmmaker behind 'Wild Horses - A Tale from the Puszta' and 'Wild Hungary,' invites you on an immersive journey through the vibrant wilderness of his adopted home, Sweden. Accompanied by his wife, daughters, and canine companion, Török's latest film, 'My Sweden – A Changing Wilderness,' unveils the breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife of the far north. From playful seals to majestic moose, witness the intimate lives of these creatures as Török's lens captures their stories. Over three years in the making, this heartwarming film not only showcases the Nordic wonders but also inspires a love and respect for nature in viewers of all ages.
Premier: 2024.11.14.
Distributor: Mozinet
magyar dokumentumfilm, 81 perc, 2024 magyar nyelven
Even in the genre of animated films, it is rare to find a Hungarian production that does not seek to…
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