

A csodálatos Budapest Bár zenekar ezúttal Behumi Dórival, Lovasi Andrással, Kiss Tiborral, Mező Misivel és Frenkkel érkezik.

A Budapest Bár zenekarral ünnepeltük a tizedik és tizenötödik születésnapunkat és nem lesz ez máshogy a huszadikon sem. Egy páratlan születésnapi gálakoncerttel indítjuk a jubileumi évadot.

The series A Genius Is Born is a tribute to the male choir works by the three greatest Hungarian masters of music, so it is no coincidence that the concerts are taking place on the composers' birthdays. A special feature of the concert programme is that StEFREM's personal selection of works by the classical composers is complemented by outstanding and interesting pieces by their "heirs", the Hungarian composers of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Although Wagner's mature masterpiece, which he wrote after Tristan but before completing the Ring, is officially a comic opera and doesn't stint on entertainment, it is nevertheless much more complex, dealing with youth and old age, love and friendship, art and craft, as well as innovation and conservativism.

Founded in 2018, the Korossy Quartet aims to transmit the famous Hungarian string quartet tradition, and to present the broadest possible repertoire to Hungarian and foreign audiences.

Founded in 2018, the Korossy Quartet aims to transmit the famous Hungarian string quartet tradition, and to present the broadest possible repertoire to Hungarian and foreign audiences.

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